When a tree grows by itself, its ability to survive and thrive rests upon itself and the whims of weather. When a tree grows with other trees and plants, its ability to survive and thrive increases exponentially. The other trees share information and resources, warning of insects, distributing nutrients and water.
The expectations are that nonprofits need to be able to handle all the aspects of running a business, but without the resources. Trying to meet those expectations stresses nonprofits and inhibits their ability to focus on the things they do well.
We need to take a lesson from the trees and the natural world. If we can network and collaborate like trees, sharing information and opportunities, we will all be stronger.
The current flow of federal funds into New Mexico is extraordinary. Our allotment of American Rescue Plan Act is $2.5 billion. The hard infrastructure bill will bring in additional funds for roads, transportation, and broadband. The human infrastructure bill will provide funding for child care, elder care, services for people with disabilities, and more.
Abundance surrounds us, if we can see it—if we can network to help each other, there will be abundance for all.