Charitable nonprofits are trusted partners and well connected with community members. It is natural for us to promote civic engagement by encouraging people to participate in elections by voting.
501(c)(3) nonprofits cannot engage in partisan politics, but we can encourage civic engagement and provide information on the issues.
New Mexico Nonprofit Voter Assistance Guide by Democracy Capacity
Bolder Advocacy & M+R: What Nonprofits Need to Know About Advocacy During Election Season
Permissible Activities Checklist: by Nonprofit Vote
Voter Registration 501(c)(3) nonprofits can help eligible residents register to vote without bias to party affiliation.
Registration deadline: in-person: November 4, 2023
Starting January 1, 2024, New Mexico will have a permanent absentee ballot mailing list. People can join the permanent mail voting list by completing a paper or online application and submitting it to their county clerk.
Nonprofit VOTE: toolkits, webinars, research and more
Rock the Vote, New Mexico: voter registration information, FAQs
New Mexico Secretary of State, see Becoming a NM Voter Registration Agent
Charitable nonprofits are trusted partners and well connected with community members. It is natural for us to promote civic engagement by encouraging people to participate in elections by voting.
Voter Education 501(c)(3) nonprofits can provide information about all candidates and ballot measures.
Vote 411: information by the League of Women Voters
Voter Engagement
Voting is a way for communities to help shape and change the systems that effect them every day. Nonprofits can and should encourage people to vote, without telling them how to vote.
Nonprofits can encourage, staff, board, volunteers, and all constituents to vote
Mobilizing the Vote: It IS Your Nonprofit’s Responsibility by Rob Meiksins, Nonprofit Quarterly